Smile Studio Hyde Park Dentists in Johannesburg South Africa

Brushing your teeth is a basic requirement in attempting to cleaning your teeth. It is HALF the job done as FLOSSING is an essential component in cleaning your teeth 360 degrees. I’ll chat about flossing in another blog!
This blog has two components: 1. To explain why tooth brushing is important and 2. My advice on brushing technique and equipment.

The purpose of tooth brushing is to remove and disturb the layers of plaque and biofilm that accumulate on your teeth during the day and while you sleep. You are probably wondering what biofilm and plaque is and why it is so important to remove it…

Biofilm is an organic layer that forms on your teeth due to the interaction of components in the saliva and sulcular fluid. Sulcular fluid is the protective fluid that surrounds a tooth and is produced by the gum that lines the sulcus of a tooth. The sulcus is the cuff of gingiva that encircles the tooth and is usually 1-3 mm in depth in healthy gums.

Plaque is formed when the biofilm layer becomes thick enough to support bacteria and other substances. The bacteria proliferate and the plaque layer thickens and starts to cause trouble. The bacteria produce an organic acid which demineralizes and eventually destroys tooth substance ie tooth decay, as well as damage the gum tissue situated around the plaque deposit. This is the basis for GINGIVITIS or commonly known as gum disease and is



If plaque is left in situ for long enough and exposed to saliva, it mineralizes (hardens) and forms tartar also known as calculus. This substance is very dangerous as the plaque then produce acid in a protected environment as neither tooth brushing nor flossing is able to remove calculus from a tooth surface. This intensifies the existing gingivitis and it matures to a condition known as PERIODONTITIS. Periodontitis can lead to tooth loss as the tooth loosens in the supporting bone in response to the continuous acid attack that involves the gum, tooth and bone.

Now it is obvious why plaque should be removed effectively and without causing damage to the tooth substance or gums in the process.

These days we have such a choice of toothbrushes available to us – size, colour, design, mechanics – are just some of the aspects to consider when scrutinizing the dental isle in the shops for a new toothbrush.

I’ll discuss MY preferences and the brands that I prefer to use and recommend to my patients.

At the end of the day it is what works in YOUR hands to produce the best and safest cleaning of your teeth.



The bristles must be soft or ultrasoft. The toothbrush will not clean ANY better if the bristles are harder! Plaque is soft – you can scrape it off your tooth with your finger. Calculus on the other hand is rock solid and needs to be removed by your dentist or oral hygienist using special instruments.

The toothbrush head must not be too big! You need to be able to reach the very last tooth in the back of your mouth without gagging!

Please be careful with BAMBOO toothbrushes as the bristles are very hard.

IF your toothbrush has very hard bristles, you can soften them by dipping the toothbrush head in boiling water which helps soften the bristles.

You need to decide which type of toothbrush you prefer – manual or electric. An electric tooth brush is safer than a manual toothbrush as it rotates – therefore not damaging gums or enamel. Sometimes it is a personal preference.

Quality over quantity = sonic/electric toothbrush.



There is no other toothbrush I would recommend but the Curaprox UltraSoft 5460 and SMART toothbrush. The filaments are ultrasoft and 5460 bristles form the toothbrush head – there is no other toothbrush like it. Most other toothbrushes have 1500 filaments…

Added bonus is that it comes in two sizes – a normal size (smaller than other toothbrushes) and a small size. The small or SMART toothbrush is ideal for people who prefer a smaller toothbrush and for children.

These toothbrushes come in awesome eye popping colours.

Only draw back is that they are only sold by dentists in South Africa and not available in the shops. (Photo included)



People are not aware of this amaizing toothbrush. Philips sell the best Sonicare toothbrush. I recommend to get one with at least 2 brushing modes. It is sold with a large head – long and narrow – BUT small heads are available.

The Sonicare toothbrush is so special because it vibrates at a sonic frequency. The sonic frequency disturbs the plaque and biofilm layer as well as removes it. It effectively reduces tartar build up and staining. It is fantastic to help control tartar build up in patients who suffer from an excissive build up. It is the “Rolls Royce” of toothbrushes. (Photos included)



Electric toothbrushes do NOT look like a normal toothbrush. They ROTATE. They do NOT vibrate or move from side to side…

The best electric toothbrushes are available from the Oral B range and are available in most shops and pharmacies.

It is your choice how much money you would like to spend on your new toothbrush. PLEASE buy a rechargeable option (not the battery version) and the one with the NORMAL head. The other “fancy” toothbrush heads have unnecessary attachments that encourage you to press harder – you only need to apply finger pressure with your electric toothbrush in order to clean your teeth properly.

Again I recommend to get a toothbrush with more than one brushing mode.



Don’t hold your tooth brush in a death grip! You should hold it like a pen or pencil. Soft pressure and controlled – as if you will be colouring in a picture or writing.



The backwards/forwards motion creates friction and you will cause damage to the enamel and irreversible damage to your gums..

When you brush think of the Karate Kid’s Mr Miaggi: “Wax on, Wax off Daniel son”. A circular motion is how you polish any substance safely.

Remember to tilt your toothbrush at 45 degrees to clean the gums and the sulcus area of the tooth. Again with small soft circular movements if you are using a manual toothbrush. If using a Sonic or electric toothbrush, tilt your brush at 45 degrees and GENTLY run it along the margin where the gums and tooth meet.

After brushing your teeth you should do the “tongue test” – run your tongue over your teeth. Your teeth should feel smooth and slimy. The standard tooth brushing time is 2 minutes, but if you can effectively clean in 1 minute that’s great!

Most electric and sonic toothbrushes have a built in timer of 2 minutes.